Finding Chika: A Little Girl, an Earthquake, and the Making of a Family

Mitch Albom has done it again with this moving memoir of love and loss. You can’t help but fall for Chika. A page-turner that will no doubt become a classic.” –Mary Karr, author of The Liars’ Club and The Art of Memoir.

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Essential Items for Traveling with Kids: A Guide from a Fellow DIPG Parent

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Finding Happiness After the Loss of a Child to Cancer: A Journey of Healing

Introduction Losing a child is a parent's worst nightmare, and when that loss is due to cancer, the pain can be particularly devastating. The...

The Secret Weapon For Leading A Happy Family In The Face of a DIPG Diagnosis

Introduction Life is full of uncertainties, and sometimes, it throws us unimaginable challenges that test our strength and resilience. One such...

Why You Should Not Be Afraid to Outsource and/or Ask for Help When Facing a DIPG

Introduction A Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) diagnosis is a devastating and challenging moment for any family. This rare and aggressive...

Why You Shouldn’t Be Reasonable When Facing DIPG Childhood Cancer

Introduction In the face of childhood cancer, reason often takes a backseat to raw emotion and the primal instinct to protect our loved ones. When a...


Understanding the Journey: A Parent’s Guide to DIPG

Understanding the Journey: A Parent’s Guide to DIPG

This book is written to provide information about childhood cancer and should not be used as an alternative to receiving professional advice. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this book is accurate at the time of printing, however, there is no guarantee that the information will remain current over time. Always seek the advice of a trained professional.