If You Struggle with Anxiety When Your Child is Diagnosed with a DIPG, Remember This Trick It Will Change Your Life

Written by Lynette Apodaca

Lynette's Blog

September 26, 2023


Receiving a diagnosis of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) for your child is an unimaginable and heart-wrenching experience. As a parent, you’re confronted with a daunting journey filled with uncertainty, fear, and overwhelming anxiety. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but there’s a trick that can genuinely change your life and help you navigate this challenging path with more resilience and hope.

Understanding DIPG

DIPG is a rare and aggressive form of pediatric brain cancer that affects the brainstem, making it one of the most challenging cancers to treat. The prognosis for DIPG is devastatingly grim, which can cause tremendous anxiety and stress for parents who are suddenly thrust into a world of medical appointments, treatments, and difficult decisions.

The Anxiety Rollercoaster

It’s entirely normal for parents to experience anxiety when their child is diagnosed with DIPG. The uncertainty surrounding the disease, the emotional toll it takes on your family, and the countless questions about treatment options can be overwhelming. Anxiety can affect your physical and mental health, making it even more challenging to be the strong, supportive parent your child needs during this time.


The Life-Changing Trick

So, what’s the life-changing trick that can help parents facing anxiety in the wake of a DIPG diagnosis? It’s mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a powerful practice that can significantly reduce anxiety, improve emotional well-being, and provide you with the mental clarity to make important decisions for your child. Here’s how to get started:

Find a Quiet Space

Carve out a peaceful corner in your home where you can meditate without disturbances.

Set Aside Time

Dedicate a few minutes each day to start. As you become more comfortable with the practice, you can gradually increase the duration.

Sit Comfortably

You don’t need any fancy equipment. Just find a comfortable chair or cushion to sit on.

Focus on Your Breath

Close your eyes and start to pay attention to your breath. Breathe naturally and gently. Feel the rise and fall of your chest or the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your nostrils.

Observe Your Thoughts

As you meditate, thoughts may flood your mind. Instead of resisting them, acknowledge them without judgment and let them pass like clouds in the sky.

Stay Present

Bring your attention back to your breath whenever you notice your mind wandering. The key is to stay present in the moment.

Practice Daily

Consistency is key. The more you practice mindfulness meditation, the more effective it becomes.

Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation for DIPG Parents: Reduced Anxiety

Mindfulness meditation can significantly reduce anxiety levels, allowing you to better cope with the stress of your child’s diagnosis.

Improved Emotional Well-being

It promotes emotional resilience, helping you stay grounded and balanced during challenging times.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Clarity of mind gained through meditation can aid you in making informed decisions about your child’s treatment and care.

Better Support for Your Child

When you are emotionally and mentally well, you can provide better support for your child as they face their own battle with DIPG.


Facing a DIPG diagnosis for your child is an incredibly tough journey that no parent should ever have to experience. However, incorporating mindfulness meditation into your daily routine can significantly reduce anxiety, gain emotional resilience, and find the strength to support your child with love and care. This simple yet powerful trick can change your life and help you navigate the challenges ahead. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey, and there is hope in mindfulness.

Books Recommended To Me: 

A Different Dream for My Child: Meditations for Parents of Critically or Chronically Ill Children – https://amzn.to/3Pg8X6O – #ad

Happy Days, by Gabrielle Bernstein – https://amzn.to/3r9I9xg – #ad

A Case of the Zaps – Popular children’s books on anxiety and how they can take charge of their fears. – https://amzn.to/44S92Dv – #ad

The Calm Workbook: A Kid’s Activity Book for Relaxation and Mindfulness – Through mazes, craft projects, and dozens of other fun exercises, kids learn how to let go of worries and remain calm. “The book will help children develop emotional awareness and recognize their feelings and how they experience them,” says an expert from the Child Mind Institute. “From here, a wide range of practical coping strategies can be tried out, practiced, and mastered.” The Calming Sparkle Jar project is especially fun. Ages 8–12. – https://amzn.to/3sO3s80 – #ad

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