Here’s How You Can Help Your Kid Deal With DIPG Sleep Issues

DIPG sleep issues

Written by Marc Jr Foundation

About DIPG

April 4, 2020

Getting a good night’s sleep might be difficult for your kid while battling DIPG. Some medications might make sleeping difficult and give rise to DIPG sleep issues. Your child might be in pain or feel anxious because of everything that is happening to him or her. How do you make sure that they can get a good night’s sleep? Here are some tips:

  • Sleep next to them:

Your presence will make them feel safe and comfortable. Sleep with them every night. It will go a long way.

  • Read them a bedtime story:

Children have very active imaginations. Tell them a bedtime story and take them to the land of knights and dragons.

  • Peaceful music will help:

If you cannot sing them a lullaby, play soothing sounds that will aid sleep.

  • Get creative with their room’s ceiling:

Paint their room’s ceiling with glow-in-the-dark paint. Stars and moon always work. This way, even when the lights are off, they will not get scared.

  • Wrap them in their favorite blanket:

A cute blanket with their favorite cartoon character might make them feel like they have an adorable friend to sleep with.

  • Avoid blue light exposure before they sleep:

Blue light exposure from electronic devices promotes insomnia. Restrict the use of devices, encourage reading a book instead.

  • Avoid giving them caffeine-rich foods or drinks:

A glass of milk before they sleep will help. Don’t give them soda or anything that contains caffeine.

DIPG sleep issues

  • Give them something to hug:

A teddy bear or a soft pillow is great for hugs. Hugging will make your kid feel better instantly.

  • Talk to your doctor:

If the sleeping issues are too difficult to handle, talk to your doctor. The doctor might prescribe a light sleeping medicine if it suits your child.

We hope this article helps you deal with DIPG sleep issues.

Get in touch with us at Marc Jr Foundation for any questions you might have. We also provide financial and educational assistance. We are always there for you.

Read more:

What Is Convection-Enhanced Delivery (CED)? How Does It Play A Role In The Treatment Of DIPG?

When The World Mourned For 5-Year-Old Braylynn Lawhon

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